What Is a Slot?


A slot is a narrow opening, especially one for receiving something, as a coin or a letter. The word is also a name for a position, such as a job or a place in line. The phrase comes from electromechanical slot machines’ tilt switches, which would make or break the circuit to signal a problem. Modern slots no longer have these switches, but they still can report problems such as door switch out of the proper state, reel motor malfunction or out of paper.

In computer gaming, a slot is a horizontal or vertical strip of symbols on a screen that can be spun to win a prize. A slot machine can have a single or multiple paylines, and the winning combination is determined by the number of matching symbols on a payline, as specified in the rules for that particular game.

When deploying apps, it’s important to warm up the app before swapping it into production. Swapping cold applications into production can lead to downtime. By performing a pre-swap validation, you can avoid the need to restart instances and ensure that the app is properly warmed up before it’s swapped into production.

An airline slot is the right to operate at a certain time and location, granted by an airport or air-traffic control authority. The use of air traffic slots has been shown to reduce delays and fuel burn, thus lowering costs and environmental impacts. Moreover, it’s easier to manage congestion when a central flow management system is in place.