Casino Security


In order to ensure the safety of all patrons, casinos utilize multiple layers of security. Security begins on the casino floor with employees watching the games and patrons. Dealers are mainly concerned with the game they are playing, so they’re not looking for signs of cheating. Others, like pit bosses and table managers, are observing table games for betting patterns or unusual behavior. Each employee has a higher-up who monitors their actions and monitors the casino floor as a whole.

Most casinos operate by offering patrons a chance to win or lose money based on their mathematical expectation. The house edge, which represents the average gross profit a casino makes, increases the longer you play. Consequently, the higher your house edge, the higher your chances of losing money. While the casino’s edge is low, it’s still a risk, so be aware of the house’s edge and stick to it. Once you’ve learned the casino game’s house rule, you’ll be able to recognize how to bet like a pro.

Using technology and computers to keep an eye on players is an increasingly common practice. Casinos use video cameras and computer systems to monitor the game’s outcomes. One technology, referred to as “chip tracking,” uses betting chips with built-in microcircuitry to track each wager minute-by-minute. Roulette wheels are also regularly monitored for statistical deviations. Some casinos have enclosed versions of these games without dealers. Players can bet by pushing buttons.